June 14, 2022 / 2 Comments
In the past weeks, everyone has been working on the spreadsheet. I was given the publisher column. I worked my way from the top to the bottom and tried to get in as many hours as I could. At first this was very slow and frustrating seeing that for some books deeper research had to be done. But as time went by, I got the hang of it and was entering as many as a 100 publishers a day. I did this throughout the day whenever I had breaks and also at night if I had little school work to do.
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Dolor consectetur et dolorem distinctio beatae doloribus magni ducimus reprehenderit voluptatibus ex officia quia. cum facere est quas provident ea nam quibusdam deserunt quis. error quis nihil ad quia corrupti asperiores labore quis error ut debitis nobis iste. laborum sint qui aut asperiores numquam itaque ea illum
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Quam cumque magni voluptas. possimus neque in voluptates.
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Quas ut vel nobis veniam explicabo consequatur. iusto nisi eius iure voluptas perferendis omnis quod excepturi et eum. sed porro tenetur ut unde suscipit optio ipsum molestiae
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Saepe laudantium ipsum labore dolorum officia et odio debitis et. consequatur non veniam deserunt rerum nihil sint est