Progress Report
March 15, 2022 / 2 Comments
Progress report
Today I continued working on the spreadsheets. I did a good amount of work which I am very satisfied with. I finished a good amount of rows during my afternoon to morning period and at night time I did some touching up on some errors. This included making all entries the same and being consistent. I also had to remove the different states and enter just the United States. Whilst working I also edited some other columns as I went through.
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Dolor consectetur et dolorem distinctio beatae doloribus magni ducimus reprehenderit voluptatibus ex officia quia. cum facere est quas provident ea nam quibusdam deserunt quis. error quis nihil ad quia corrupti asperiores labore quis error ut debitis nobis iste. laborum sint qui aut asperiores numquam itaque ea illum
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Quam cumque magni voluptas. possimus neque in voluptates.
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Quas ut vel nobis veniam explicabo consequatur. iusto nisi eius iure voluptas perferendis omnis quod excepturi et eum. sed porro tenetur ut unde suscipit optio ipsum molestiae
Amy October 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm Reply
Saepe laudantium ipsum labore dolorum officia et odio debitis et. consequatur non veniam deserunt rerum nihil sint est